Friday, August 6, 2021

Maths - population of items back in the day

 Today we learned to make statements about this picture of how many items that were bought back in the days. Ms Corbett gave us a picture of what we have to make statements about.

Here's some statements:

In the 60s more people spent there money on deodorant and hairspray 

In the 70s more people spent there money on margarain .

In the 80s more people spent there money on wine coolers 

In the 90s more people spend there money on buzzy bees 

In the 00s more people spend there money on laptops 

In the 10s more people spend there money on e - books 

In the 2020s more people spend there money on e - cigarettes 


1 comment:

  1. Malo e leli Devyn
    Love your comparesions to the items as in 'in or out' over passing the decades to the deodrant all the way to cigaretts.
